Japan Launched a New Undeclared War, by Jing Zhao
The Japanese Soldiers' Hungry Spirits, reviewed by Junichi Hirai (translation in Chinese B5)
Japan's Unemployment and Koizumi's Policy, by Yoshikazu Takashima (translation in Chinese B5)
On Terrorism, by Jing Zhao (in Chinese B5)
Working Right is a Basic Human Right, by Jing Zhao (in Chinese B5)
In Remembrance of Gang E, by Jing Zhao
The So-called "Suspicious Boat" Incident, by Yoshikazu Takashima (translation in Chinese GB)
A Democratic Alternative is Needed for Foreign Policies, by Jing Zhao
A Letter to Newsweek, by Bob Wu
A Letter to Christian Leader, by Jing Zhao
On Molotov and the USSR, by Jing Zhao (in Chinese B5)
An Observation of the Recent Movements of Four Japanese Diet Members, by Jing Zhao
Will Japan Go Nuclear?, by Jing Zhao
Hu Jintao's U.S. Visit: A Start of Post-Jiang Era?, by Jing Zhao
Why We Still Need to be Anti-imperialists?, by Jean Bricmont
The Taiwan Question, by Jing Zhao
The Pledge of Allegiance: the Emperor's New Cloth? by Jing Zhao
Concerns regarding the recent Korea-Japan World Cup, by Jing Zhao
The Cuba Question, by Jing Zhao
Book Review on Japanese Army's Atrocities in China, by Jing Zhao (in Chinese GB)
Democratization as the Necessity for China's Peaceful Unification , by Jing Zhao
Book review on Mel Gurtov. Pacific Asia? for H-US-Japan , by Jing Zhao
Political Restrain to International Economy, by Jing Zhao (in Chinese GB)
North Korea's Pragmatic Policy for Survival, by Jing Zhao
Koizumi's Financial Policy, by Jing Zhao
A Time for Peace, by Jing Zhao
Deterring Democracy: the American Electorate System, by Jing Zhao
The Fukuoka Court Judgement on Chinese Forced-labor Lawsuit, by Matsuoka Hajime
The Chinese Forced-labor Lawsuit: the Case of Liu Lianren, by Saikawa Osame