On Zhao Ziyang, by Jing Zhao
Peace Rally March 20, San Jose, photos by Jing Zhao
Socialism, by Max Weber (trans. in Chinese)
Mao Zedong-ism, by Jing Zhao (in Chinese)
VOA interview with Jing Zhao on recent Sino-Japanese events (in Chinese)
Supporting California Senate SB 684 Bill, by Jing Zhao
VOA report on recent Sino-Japanese tensions (in Chinese)
ONI China Study
On the Recent Anti-Japanese Movemnet (in Japanese)
16th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square
16th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square: Press Release
The Past as Future
The Deterring of Democracy and the Deterioration of Sino-Japanese Relations after Tiananmen
VOA Interview on Yasukuni Shrine (in Chinese)
Bush Sr. and People's Daily Overseas Edtion by Feng Kerui (in Chinese)
The Balancer: Roh Moo-hyun's Vision of Korean Politics and the Future of Northeast Asia by Emanuel Pastreich
Wastrels of Defense reviewed by Pastreich
The Balancer: Roh Moo-hyun's Vision of Korean Politics and the Future of Northeast Asia, China and the World by Emanuel Pastreich, in Chinese translation
The Balancer: Roh Moo-hyun's Vision of Korean Politics and the Future of Northeast Asia by Emanuel Pastreich in Chinese translation
The Balancer: Roh Moo-hyun's Vision of Korean Politics and the Future of Northeast Asia by Emanuel Pastreich in Japanese translation
The Balancer: Roh Moo-hyun's Vision of Korean Politics and the Future of Northeast Asia by Emanuel Pastreich in Korean translation
The San Francisco September 24 Anti-war Rally by Jing Zhao (in Chinese)
Anarchism for Universal Political Freedom by Jing Zhao (in Chinese)
Japan Attempts to Revise Employment Law translation in Chinese
Solidarity with Chinese Workers by International Committee for Chinese Workers
On the Dictatorship of Proletariat and Leninism by Jing Zhao (in Chinese)
World Directory of Think Tanks listing CPRI by NIRA (Japan)