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June 10, 1999
I would like to thank Jing Zhao for his question, which I am including
I want to ask a tiny question: Did you find any involvement from the
Chinese side of the Okinawa issue? I read somewhere about Jiang Jieshi's
nationalist government's secret work seeking the possibility of
Okinawa's "return" to China.
Jing Zhao, San Jose
Indeed, there was quite a bit of involvement from the Chinese side
regarding Okinawa, particularly during the wartime period. However, it
often contradictory, as the following discussion (focusing more on the
side) will show:
In late November 1943, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British
Minister Winston Churchill, and Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek,
along with their advisors, met in Cairo, Egypt, to discuss the progress
the war against Japan and to announce their agreements on the
disposition of Japan. It is not possible here to discuss in detail the
entire conference, but one episode in particular that directly concerned
Okinawa (and China) is related here below that I would like to use to
Jing Zhao's question into perspective.
During a private dinner with the Chiangs on the evening of November 23,
President Roosevelt asked Chiang China's intentions regarding the Ryukyu
Islands. According to the memorandum written by the Chinese side
(Roosevelt's special assistant Harry Hopkins was present but did not
apparently take notes), "The President referred to the question of the
Ryukyu Islands and enquired more than once whether China would want the
Ryukyus." To this, Chiang reportedly replied that "China would be
agreeable to joint occupation of the Ryukyus by China and the United
and, eventually, joint administration by the two countries under the
trusteeship of an international organization." (See "Chinese Summary
[translation] of Roosevelt-Chiang Dinner Meeting [November 23, 1943],"
FRUS, The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943 [Washington, D.C.:
Government Printing Office, 1961], p. 324.) Chiang, in his own notes,
explained that he responded this way because he did not want the United
States to think that China had territorial ambitions in mind, and thus
sought to "put the U.S. (government) at ease." (See Chiang Kai-shek, Sho Kai Seki Hiroku 14 (Jihon Kofuku [Chiang Kai-shek's Secret Records Vol.
14 (Japan's Surrender), Tokyo: Sankei Shimbunsha , 1977), p. 122.)
The Chinese summary of the conversation suggests that Roosevelt, by
"more than once" about the Ryukyu Islands, was quite willing to agree to
China's taking, in effect, unilateral control over the islands. Why
Roosevelt made Chiang this offer, despite himself having announced the
principles of the Atlantic Charter of not taking the spoils of war, is
interesting question. It does in any case reveal his unilateral,
style of decision-making by not consulting with nor relying on the State
Department's territorial studies with near disastrous results.
One explanation of Roosevelt's approach to Chiang regarding the
of the Ryukyu Islands seems to be that he may have actually believed
wanted the Ryukyu Islands. Indeed, as the Chinese summary record shows,
their conversation was conducted in the context of the "restoration of
territories." Roosevelt, the evidence suggests, was aware of China's
various claims to the Ryukyu Islands, mostly seen in editorials in the
nationalistic press, but also seen in comments by Foreign Minister T. V.
Soong, the older brother of Chiang's wife, all of which, while
in nature, had been reported by U.S. Embassy officials in China, and had
received coverage in the international and U.S. press.
The comments in question appear in 1942 and 1943 and are both editorial
and official in nature. The first noted comment appeared in the April
1942 edition of Ta Kung Pao. It argued that the "Liuchiu Islands"
be detached from Japan in the peace settlement. ("The Ambassador in
[Clarence E. Gauss] to the Secretary of State [June 22, 1942]," FRUS,
China [Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1956], p. 732.)
in January 1943, the Ta Kung Pao published a special article entitled
to Liquidate Japan" by Shao Yu-lin, a former student from Kyushu
in Japan who was then the Director of the Information Department of the
Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. While Shao, who was also a member
Chiang's Household Secretariat, was described by Ambassador Clarence E.
Gauss as being "strongly nationalistic in his views," Gauss admitted
at the same time Shao's views concerning Japan were "believed to be
generally representative of Chinese official and private opinion."
Regarding China's postwar aims, Shao called for the "restoration of
Formosa, the Ryu Kyu Islands and the Four Northeastern Provinces."("The
Ambassador in China to the Secretary of State [January 7, 1943]," FRUS,
1943, China [Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1957], pp.
842-843.) Prior to this, Soong, at his first official press conference
Foreign Minister on November 3, 1942, publicly called for the recovery
the Ryukyu Islands (as well as Manchuria and Formosa).("The Ambassador
China to the Secretary of State (November 5, 1942)," FRUS, 1942, p.
So we see that it was not only vocal semi-official newspapers but
government spokesmen that expressed the desire to see the Ryukyu islands
"restored" to China. (Years later these claims would still be heard.
controversy regarding Chiang Kai-shek's book, China's Destiny, where a
phrase relating to the Ryukyu Islands was later hastily added in the
edition, is well-known. Regarding China's views on an early peace
with Japan, and if I remember correctly, territorial claims, see Chang
Hsia-hai, "The Treaty with Japan: A Chinese View," Foreign Affairs,
26, No. 3 [April 1948], pp. 505-514.) It was with this belief, perhaps,
that Roosevelt asked Chiang about the Liuchiu Islands. Had Roosevelt
actually bothered to read the State Department memorandums on Okinawa's
territorial status, he would have known that Chinese control was not
considered a viable option for the disposition of the Ryukyu Islands.
Roosevelt may have had other reasons for asking Chiang as well.
Roosevelt's approach suggests his method of dealing sternly and strictly
with enemy states, as the call for "unconditional surrender" would
suggest, while at the same time raising the status of the Allied
countries, particularly China, as Japanese historian Iokibe Makoto
suggests. (Iokibe Makoto, "Kairo Sengen to Nihon no Ryodo [The Cairo
Declaration and Japanese Territory]," Hiroshima Hogaku [The Hiroshima
University Law Review], Vol. 4, Nos. 3-4 (March 1981), p. 127.
article later formed a large part of Chapter 4 in his award-winning 1985
book, Beikoku no Nihon Senryo Seisaku [U.S. Occupation Policy for
Tokyo: Chuo Koron, 1985.) Roosevelt may have been trying to strengthen
China's confidence by showing Chiang that he considered China to be one
the Four Great Powers, one of the "Four Policemen" that Roosevelt was
hoping would guarantee the security in the postwar world. Indeed their
very meeting was representative of this belief. In that sense,
never a fan of Japan, may have been hoping for Chiang's help in limiting
Japan's regional power and territorial size and hoped that the transfer
the Ryukyu Islands to Chinese control would contribute to that goal.
Roosevelt likely as well was seeking to punish Japan, mistakenly
that the Ryukyu Islands were taken or stolen from China by Japan, and
felt that stripping the islands from Japan would be justified and not
subject to his own Atlantic Charter.
The final version of the Cairo Declaration, issued on November 27 by the
three leaders, strongly suggests this latter possibility. It reads:
The Three Great Allies are fighting this war to restrain and punish the
aggression of Japan. They covet no gain for themselves and have no
of territorial expansion. It is their purpose that Japan shall be
of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since
the beginning of the first World War in 1914, and that all territories,
that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as
Manchuria, Formosa, and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the
of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which
has taken by violence and greed. The aforesaid three great powers,
of the enslavement of the people of Korea, are determined that in due
course Korea shall become free and independent.
Ironically, Roosevelt's intentions in the Cairo meeting and this Cairo
Declaration were unknown by those primarily responsible for planning
implementing this new policy) in the State Department. Despite the very
political and diplomatically explosive nature of discussions on the
disposition of enemy territories, Roosevelt had excluded members of the
State Department, including his Secretary of State, with the exception
the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, W. Averell Harriman. This in
was representative of the President's style of excluding the State
Department in such meetings during the war. Roosevelt thus, by not
anyone from the Far Eastern group with him at the time, was not able to
make use of expert advice on the Far East. Indeed, the evidence
as some historians, like Iokibe, have demonstrated, that he did not even
seek to acquire or use the documents (which while entertaining the idea
the "return" of Okinawa to China, or perhaps a joint trusteeship, in the
end called for Okinawa's retention by Japan, once it had been
demilitarized) that had been prepared in the Territorial Subcommittee,
thus great misunderstandings emerged (as they would at the Yalta
as well).
In March 1998, the memoirs of the late Japan expert Hugh Borton, one of
the original members of the Division of Political Studies (created in
January 1943) which supplied the Territorial Subcommittee with its
recommendations, were published in Japanese (but not yet in English)
highlighted the concerns of the State Department experts regarding East
Asia and territorial issues. Borton writes, "None of us knew anything
about a conference in Cairo except that Prime Minister Churchill,
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, and President Roosevelt had been meeting
an undisclosed place. To our knowledge, the president had made no
for documents or papers on postwar Far Eastern problems in preparation
the meeting. When we subsequently learned that President Roosevelt had
taken only military advisers to Cairo, and the single State Department
officer present had only acted as interpreter for the president during
conversations with Chiang Kai-shek, Dr. [George] Blakeslee [another Far
East expert] and I were extremely apprehensive lest all our planning on
postwar problems in the Far East would be completely ignored by the
president." (Hugh Borton [edited by Iokibe Makoto], Sengo Nihon no
Sekkeisha Boton no Kaisoroku [Builder of Postwar Japan: The Borton
Memoirs], Tokyo: Asahi Shimbunsha, 1998) pp. 130-131.)
Completely caught unawares, the Division of Political Studies decided at
its December 3, 1943 meeting to discuss the territorial provisions
vis-a-vis Japan, as found in the Cairo Declaration. Blakeslee, as the
expert on the Far East, was asked to give his interpretations of the
declaration. Blakeslee began by stating "his belief that "the Liuchius
[as well as] the Kurile Islands, the Bonin and Volcano Islands, (and
Marcus Island) in all probability did not fall within the meaning" of
phrase found in the Cairo Declaration, "Japan will be expelled from all
other territories which she has taken by violence and greed." After
discussing each of the other territories, Blakeslee took up the question
of Okinawa, explaining that Japan "had been interested" in the islands
"for many centuries." The monarchy in the Liuchiu Islands, Blakeslee
continued, had paid tribute both to China and Japan, eventually being
"conquered" by the Japanese feudal domain of Satsuma. Without
what happened in the meantime (specifically, 250 years of the
of this curious period of "dual subordination"), Blakeslee pointed that
the islands were later annexed in 1879 after the "murder of some
shipwrecked Japanese sailors on Formosa, and in 1881, China recognized
this annexation." Blakeslee concluded by stating that "While there [was]
some slight violence in Formosa in connection with the annexation of the
Liuchius, it did not appear to be of the type which fell within the
meaning of the phrase in question in the Cairo Declaration."
When asked how the Declaration had been prepared, China expert Stanley
Hornbeck stated that "judging from internal evidence, it appeared to
been drafted in some haste, either by the principals concerned or by
secretariat," and added that in his opinion, "it would be a mistake to
attach too much importance to the exact phraseology of the document."
However, that is exactly what was not possible. Being a public (and
presidential) statement of U.S. and Allied war aims against Japan,
and policy-makers on both sides would have to take into account what was
said. References to the phrase, "territories taken by greed or
in the Cairo Declaration would continue up until the 1951 Peace Treaty
Japan, although it was hard to argue so in the case of Okinawa.
It is hard to say, based on the numerous documents from the period, that
the State Department seriously considered giving Okinawa to China,
although it was looked at as an option. China's claims were weak at best; it was
not the desire of the inhabitants to become a part of China; and China's
ability to administer another territory (when itself was plunging into
civil war) was doubted.
Even the Chinese were sending conflicting messages, as the following
exchange shows. In an enclosure to the June 2, 1942 despatch cited
a copy of a memorandum of conversation by the Third Secretary of the
Embassy, John S. Service, with the Director of the Eastern Asiatic
Department of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Dr. Yang Yun-chu, can be
Regarding the Liu Chiu Islands, according to Service's report, the
director said that "it was unfortunately inevitable during war time that
there should be exaggerated statements by private individuals concerning
war aims; that the truth of the matter was that the people of the Liu
were not Chinese and the number of Chinese residents there probably were
not more than a few tens, that the islands, which had only been
to China, had been entirely separated from it for almost eighty years;
they were unimportant economically and strategically, and that they were
now in effect an integral part of Japan, to which they were
closely related. He was sure, therefore, that neither the Minister for
Foreign Affairs nor any other part of the Chinese Government
their return to China in a peace settlement." (See "Memorandum by the
Secretary in China [Service] to the Ambassador in China [June 17,
China, 1942, pp. 732-733.)
Shortly before Mr. Service's passing earlier this year, I had a chance
ask him (by letter) about Chinese intentions. Perhaps representative of
confusion over the question of policy regarding the Ryukyus within the
Chinese Government, Service explained to me that he did "not recall that
Okinawa was a very hot topic" among the Chinese at the time. (Letter
John S. Service to RDE, October 16, 1998.)
While doing this research (the above discussion appears in more detail
my doctoral dissertation, "Okinawa in Postwar U.S.-Japan Relations,
1945-1952: The Origins of the Bilateral Okinawa Problem," [Kobe
University, March 1999]), I was curious about the State Department's use
of the name "Luchu" and "Liuchiu," which are the Chinese pronunciations
the Okinawa (Ryukyu) Islands. Even as State Department planners were
arguing for the return or retention of Okinawa by Japan, they were doing
so using the Chinese name, as can be seen in the title of some of the
documents from this period. Finally, on December 20, 1945, it dawned on
someone to change the name of a planning paper from "Disposition of the
Liuchiu (Ryukyu) Islands" to "Disposition of the Ryukyu (Liuchiu)
Islands," to reflect the State Department's views. After that, as China
plunged into civil war, Roosevelt's Four Policemen concept died an early
death, and the U.S. military sought exclusive strategic control over
Ryukyu Islands, no one ever again would give consideration to China's
tenuous claims to Okinawa. Instead, the State Department would have its
hands full vis-a-vis the Joint Chiefs of Staff trying to allow Japan to
keep its sovereignty over Okinawa. I hope I was able to answer the
question" by this long answer.
Robert D. Eldridge
For further reading, I would recommend:
Xiaoyuan Liu, A Tentative Partnership: The United States and China
Contemplate the Postwar Disposition of Japan and the Japanese Empire
(Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1990), particularly
pp. 179-189.
George H. Kerr, Okinawa: The History of an Island People (Rutland,
Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1958)
George H. Kerr, Okinawa: The History of an Island People (Rutland,
Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1958)